Monday, May 30, 2011


Hidden in the tulip leaves, this green frog
was very still...hardly noticeable.


Yesterday the sun finally appeared out of the gray foggy
weather we've been experiencing casting the shadow
of this lovely butterfly.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Night Heron

Yesterday afternoon we spotted the Night Heron
just before it decided to fly to another spot...

Can you see it as it flies past the trees?
(It's the small white shape in the center)

Here is a better look.

Such a magical bird...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Birds and Blossoms

On Saturday the sun actually appeared out of the
fog and grayness of the past week.
With it opened the apple blossoms and brought
the beautiful birds to our yard.

a yellow warbler...

the tiny hummingbird

the vibrant Redstart...

We're back to clouds and mist today
but I will go out and look for them again!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Wonders of Nature

An unusual place for a nest...a mama mallard
sits on her nest in a busy tourist destination.

I have never seen this little bird in our yard beautiful...a black and white warbler.

On the way home from the beach on a foggy evening
we noticed the Canada Geese...
and upon closer inspection we could see that
their little ones were under their watchful eye.

A leap of faith from this chipmunk!


The Hummingbird has been back for several weeks.
Haven't seen much of her as the weather is on the
chilly side and many of her favorite flowers are
slow to open.
Whenever I am able to catch a glimpse
of her I am so thrilled!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sharing a Moment

The Great Egret and the muskrat share a time
and place together...

as does the little red squirrel
and the large gray squirrel.

The Upsidedown Cat

Had a nice visit with our neighbor friend Daka...
he definitely makes us smile!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Heart Rock

I found this beautifully shaped heart rock
last night when I stepped onto the beach
for a little walk before sunset.

I was so very pleasantly surprised by the sky...
it was amazing and you can see it over here!

Monday, May 9, 2011

The First Week of May

The first week of May brought so many birds
to our yard and some unusual sitings in the

Here are some of our visitors...

the white-crowned sparrow

the goldfinch...

the rose-breasted grosbeak...

The oranges we attached to the trees not only attracted
the orioles

but also the catbirds
and of course the chipmunks
that you can see over here
along with a finch!

A bird we have never seen before was this
Little Blue Heron who was fishing in a nearby pond.

While down by the beach I loved watching
an Oldsquaw ...

On Sunday something caught my husband's eye
as we were driving along the road in Scarborough, Maine.
I quickly turned on my camera and
this is what came into view.

At first we had no idea what it could be...
don't know why the name Ibis came to mind
and a look up in the bird book verified
that's what it was.

It sure is a busy time of year for discovering birds of
all shapes and sizes!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Our delightful neighbor friends,
Jiggy and Daka
knows how to relax
and I hope you enjoy
a relaxing stress free day, too!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day Discoveries

In my previous post I was assuming the chipmunk
had been visiting the orange we set out for the Oriole
to my surprise I came upon this finch
drinking from the orange...

though my hunch was right about the chipmunk...

Noticed the Mourning dove in the trellis nest
was sitting quite high in the nest and next
time I looked she or he was feeding two babies.
A beautiful sight!

A Sunday ride to Pine Point led to the sighting
of the first mockingbird this year.
So beautiful!