I happened to step out into the garden yesterday
afternoon and spotted the hummingbird leaning into
the honeysuckle vine.
I haven't seen her in many days and
thought perhaps the hummingbirds flew south already.
Was so happy to see her!

While quietly observing her through my camera
lens, I heard a strange kind of tapping sound
I investigated and paused near a platform holding
flower pots. Suddenly this appeared through the
drainage hole in an upsidedown very heavy terra cotta
flower pot.

Chippy could only get so far up
and slipped back down.
Just didn't have the leverage to
pull himself up through the hole
and I don't think he could squeeze
through going out... must have been
easier to go in!

I slid the very hard to move pot over to the edge
of the table so there was an opening at the
bottom and zoom...the chipmunk was out of
there in a flash!
So glad I happened to be outside to hear the
trapped chipmunk!