Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Solstice

It definitely felt like the beginning of summer today
as the temperatures soared into the 90's.
We love to watch the eider ducks and their young
as they hopefully enjoyed the Summer Solstice!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Someone Loves Bags!

Someone in our family loves bags!
We have them as part of the decor at all times!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Herons and Hummingbird Moth

The other evening we spotted such a beautiful site,
a Black-crowned  Night Heron and her two young ones.
Fell in love with them!

Last night I happened to be walking by when I
noticed these two on a rock.

In the garden yesterday, at first glance I thought
I saw a hummingbird but it turned out to be
a hummingbird moth!