Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rain Topples Bird Feeders

Heavy rains continued through Tuesday...
as I opened the window shade
in the morning I was astonished to see the
bird feeders were lying on the ground!
The dead tree that provided a good hanger
for them had toppled over from
all of the rain that saturated the ground
and loosened their anchor roots.

If you look closely you can see chippy
investigating the situation...

I think he must have thought this is even better! he exited the fallen bird feeder
he looked very full!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Chippy Has Discovered the Doghouse Birdhouse!

Saturday afternoon I noticed activity
over at the doghouse birdhouse...

Chippy discovered the sunflower seeds
that D had put inside the birdhouse and
was having a fine feast...

Look Who Discovered the New Doghouse Birdhouse

Yesterday, D started working on embellishing
the old doghouse
...he also left some nuts in
the blue birdhouse.

This morning when he looked out through the
window, he called for me and my camera!

There is someone waiting
in the tree to the right of the doghouse...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Chippy's Doghouse

One of the places chippy likes to hang out is on
the roof of an old doghouse that sits in our yard.

(A friend gave it to us years ago
even though we do not have any dogs
but little critters often use it for shelter
or a lookout!)

D is fixing it up and has added a cupola of sorts...
he has fastened a birdhouse we found at the recycle center
to the roof...he's going to add some more ornamentation.

Will be interesting to see who uses it or moves in!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Wednesday afternoon the sun appeared...took a walk to
the jetty at high tide, peeked into the river and
there was a gathering of eider ducks....
so beautiful...golden light from the sun.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yesterday I noticed this woodpecker
was positioned in a very good spot for
the suet of his choice!

I love watching the birds!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring is in the Air

Spring was in the air today...everyone was out
sharing the bird feeders!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Whose Been Emptying the Bird Feeder?

Why it's chippy!

By the end of the day, D was surprised
as to how many of sunflowers seeds
had vanished from the bird feeder that
was full in the morning!

Morning Light

Ellie May found the sunlight in the studio
this morning when I came over to work.

Cats seem to find the sun wherever it may
be streaming in!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Gift for my Cats

On Monday, D and I attended the
last day of NEPTS
(New England Products Trade Show)

At the last minute we saw Laurah in her
booth of wonderful things for kitties.
She so kindly and generously gave us 3 gifts for our
cats which I couldn't wait to get home
to give to them!

for Ellie May

and Polly

and for Brody!
just click on the above image to
see more about the Kennebec River Co.
and their organic catnip gifts!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Reunited with My Furry Friends!

Recently returned home after being away from
my Furry Family for 3 weeks.

They fill my heart with love and contentment!

Brody snuggled into a basket a bit too small but
nonetheless napped.

Polly in her kitchen basket...waiting for food!

Ellie May just loves a little fresh air on the porch
and also loves keeping an eye on any critters and
she did indeed spot one over here:

One of our chipmunks is out and about!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Met this litter critter on a walk
this afternoon in Connecticut...
to see more signs of spring
just click over here.

Hope you are enjoying mild weather!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Look who I spotted collecting acorns as I took a walk
around the block this afternoon.
Another mild day in Connecticut.

Canada Geese

Sunday was such a beautiful day so my Dad and I
(am still in Connecticut) took a walk to the Park
to relax with the Canada Geese!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Party

A wonderful family party to celebrate my nephew's 11th Birthday
was on Saturday at Tiger's home.
As you can see, Tiger enjoyed the company and was not shy!

A special cake was made and decorated
by the birthday boy over here!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Visiting Tiger and Family

Last night Dad and I had a lovely visit with my sister,
brother-in-law and nephew and of course, Tiger,
who is in the center of things... though she
disappeared for a spell and we all searched
high and low and just couldn't find her.
It took the shaking of her cat food container to bring
her out of hiding!

Isn't it amazing how invisible a cat can become in
a small house when you've searched everywhere!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hawk Sighting

My sister and I were taking a walk around the block
when a large bird flew over head and landed in a
nearby tree. Upon closer inspection it was
a magnificent hawk!

It rested for a minute and flew off...