Beside my studio is a tall lilac bush with honeysuckle
climbing through it.
The hummingbirds love honeysuckle and sometimes
I am lucky enough to see a hummingbird visiting the
flowers. I am always on the lookout.
I have noticed another little bird in the same bush.
She moves very quickly and I have been able to identify
her as a redstart.

Well, yesterday when I had the hummingbird in my mind,
I caught a glimpse of the redstart.
She always has been in constant motion but that
afternoon she seemed to pause in the middle of the tree.
Very difficult to see inside but I was able to peek into
a tiny opening in the leaves and there she was.
To my surprise, she was sitting on a beautiful nest.

Shortly thereafter, the hummingbird
came by and paused at the top of a
birch tree nearby.

I love these moments!
Hope you enjoyed seeing them, too!