Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snowy Visitors

Snow fell overnight for the second time in two days.
It brought so many delightful visitors to our yard.
I was glued to my window with my camera!
The bluebirds made a brief appearance and took 
me by surprise.
Soon I will post more of our feathered friends on
this wintry Sunday.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Evening with Brody

Sunday morning

The sun lit up this lovely cardinal this morning
as the junco gathered sunflower seeds...

Friday, December 21, 2012


Brody starts his day (after eating of course)
by looking out of the window for the birds...

He enjoys his boxes and brown paper immensely!

 Sometimes it's difficult to see him when he is in
plain sight.

 Our home is so warm and cozy 
because of him!

Happy Winter Solstice!

Monday, December 17, 2012


Love sharing the quiet cozy evenings with Brody in our 
little home...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Bird Watching

Brody is my bird watching companion.

Everyday we are drawn to the front window to see
who may be out there...
today the cardinal, junco and house finch were sharing 
the bird feeder.
Yesterday to our great surprise we saw bluebirds!
It is rare to see them anytime but to see them in
December in Maine felt most unusual!

Have you seen any interesting birds lately?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Good Morning

good morning!

the bluebirds of happiness visited this morning

Have a lovely day!

Friday, November 23, 2012


While traveling along the highway on 
Thanksgiving morning an amazing thing
occured....three white swans flew right
over the highway in front of us!

A mockingbird sat on the corner of the roof
at my sister's home as the family gathered
inside for a warm cozy Thanksgiving.

Am thankful for nature and the little 
treasured moments!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pet Portraits

It's that time of year when commissions are coming in
and very welcomed for pet portraits.
Here's a few I'm working on.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Hawk

Yesterday morning before the storm
we were driving on Rte. 1 in southern
Maine when a very large bird flew by the windshield.
Our eyes followed it's flight across the road and
we noticed it had landed high in a pine tree.
D pulled over on the side of the road,
 rolled down his window
as I grabbed my camera.
It was so majestic!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Brody's Simple Pleasures

Simple pleasures:
 a big cardboard box and brown paper
and a little bit of fresh catnip!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chicken in the Road

Was quite a surprise to see a chicken strolling
down the road this afternoon in the village
where we would least expect it,
while some of her chicken friends
 seemed content to be grazing
 along the side of the road.

As we waited for the chicken to cross the road,
a car pulled into a nearby driveway and a frantic
young woman came running down the road 
after the chickens!

They must have made the great escape!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Wishing a very Happy Birthday to my sister
October 19, 2012

to share with those you love

filled with favorite and delectable foods to munch

and savor,

and filled with love!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Special Day

Today was very memorable,
an early morning phone call
brought wonderful news!

Our grand niece was born on our anniversary!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Brody's Story

This drawing/watercolor may be the beginning of a story
I'd like to put together with illustrations about Brody and his little "friend"...
now to follow through.

October Wildlife

There seems to be some youngsters
in our yard recently...
a very cute chipmunk has been scurrying 

And I have seen many birds including this
young white throated sparrow.

It feels magical to be able to stand in the garden
and suddenly catch a glimpse of the wildlife
that lives here or is passing by.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


The garden is full of  bumble bees and asters.
The first day of autumn is here!

Brody enjoyed an afternoon nap on the couch
as the sun made a brief appearance.

Tonight we loved seeing the Great White Egrets
gracefully fly by the moon in the fog.

To see more of the first day of autumn
click here!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Giant Squash

My do we have a giant spaghetti squash from
our vegetable garden...Brody is not sure what
it is.
To get an idea of the size, Brody is quite a large

Friday, September 14, 2012

Autumn Feathered Friends

The bees are busy in the garden gathering pollen
from the tansy...

I was so happy to see the hummingbird was still
here, I know that soon she will be flying south
and I will miss her.

Am delighted to see the juvenile night heron is
also still here...

Another favorite that feels so magical to me
is watching the egrets fly just before sunset
to the island where
all the shore birds spend the night.

We still have some warmish days
before the cold weather settles in and these
feathered friends will fly to warmer climates til next year.

My photos, drawings and memories will carry me
through til they return next spring.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chippy and the Sunflower

It's hard to believe autumn is in the air!
This little chipmunk is already 
harvesting the sunflower seeds...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Brody's Companion

Brody has a new buddy, we discovered the little 
mini Brody at the consignment shop and knew 
we had to give it a home. 
It has the exact coloring of Brody and he snuggles
with it often.
I think they were meant to be together!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Solstice

It definitely felt like the beginning of summer today
as the temperatures soared into the 90's.
We love to watch the eider ducks and their young
as they hopefully enjoyed the Summer Solstice!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Someone Loves Bags!

Someone in our family loves bags!
We have them as part of the decor at all times!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Herons and Hummingbird Moth

The other evening we spotted such a beautiful site,
a Black-crowned  Night Heron and her two young ones.
Fell in love with them!

Last night I happened to be walking by when I
noticed these two on a rock.

In the garden yesterday, at first glance I thought
I saw a hummingbird but it turned out to be
a hummingbird moth!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Need a Smile

Quietly Brody often  jumps up to sit with his friends
opposite my computer table. I often don't realize
he is there til I turn around.
He sure does make me smile!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


What a delightful surprise to spot the hummingbird
who blended in so well with the leaves in the tall
wild cherry tree.

Another surprise, glancing out the window at the
moment this catbird stopped to rest!

Loved noticing the shadow of the butterfly on the 

About to step into the porch when this chipmunk caught
my never knows where they will appear!

On our evening walk last night we heard strange
calls coming from the birds in the ocean...
an unusual laughing sound not like the usual
call of the seagull.
They were Laughing Gulls so appropriately named.
It sure did sound like laughter!
Towards the end of our walk
an Black-crowned Night Heron flew 
overhead  away from the
So magical every time we see them.
To our great surprise, D noticed it 
had landed in a little inlet on our
way home.

To be able to observe nature is
so very uplifting and inspiring.