Sunday, February 1, 2015

Looking Out For the Winter Wildlife

Josie is fascinated and excited
by what she observes outside her windows this winter.

I feel the same way….

We try to make sure the food for the critters doesn't sink
beneath the snow and squash seeds are a special treat.


Judy Hartman said...

Wonderful photos! Josie looks so pretty with the flowers in the foreground, and you are so good to the creatures outside. Hope you are staying warm, Nan!

Nan and =^..^= said...

Thanks Judy…

Roses and Lilacs said...

My cats love looking out the window too. Even one of the dogs spends hours watching the squirrels below the feeders. Like TV for animals.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I visited your other blogs and wanted to leave comments. I so envy your lovely town. I don't know what I did wrong but I couldn't leave messages on the other blogs. It's been so long since I visited my blogger friends I've forgotten how to leave comments. Hopefully, I will relearn.

Nan and =^..^= said...

Roses and Lilacs,
So happy to see you are back! Not only does my cat love looking out the windows, I do, too.
I find myself spending much time with my camera at the ready watching the birds and critters in our yard through our windows with Josie.

Nan and =^..^= said...

Roses and Lilacs,
Oh, I think to leave a comment on the other blog just click I'm not a robot first.
Hope that works...