Monday, July 6, 2009

Where's Brody Again?

On Sunday afternoon, Brody was there one
minute and the next he had vanished.
He's very clever about slipping under fabric
and clothing!


JC said...

Very Pretty in Blue

quiltcat said...

never noticed before what a magnificent striped tail he has!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Love the photos. I used to have a cat like that. She would crawl up under the bedspread and be a little lump in the middle of the bed. The kitties I have now can't stand to have anything over them. When I cover them on cold nights they immediately get up and shake the covers off.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Is Brody somewhere in the picture?
Gosh, he's a good hider!

Judy Hartman said...

Very cute photos!
Brody certainly is good at taking cover!

Buskitten said...

Just adorable!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that last photo is adorable!

oldcrow61 said...

This is just too cute, lol.