I arrived back home in Maine last night.

While riding with D this morning to do errands,
I spotted cormorants on this dock.

As I jumped out of the car to get closer
to take some photos, I heard someone call my name.
It was a friend whose two wonderful corgi dogs I had painted
years ago.
He and his wife have a new pet in their lives and he wanted
me to meet, JJ and now I am looking forward to
doing a painting of JJ for them! Walked the short distance
with him to their home to meet JJ.

JJ is such a sweet dog, I took many photos and
will take more at a later time from which to work.
While at their home, I saw the 2 paintings I had
done of their beloved, Manny and Franklin.
One painting was small and the other the largest
pet portrait I've ever done!

Am so thankful that I stopped to
photograph the cormorants.