Monday, August 23, 2010


My brother was visiting yesterday...
he's wonderful at juggling!
He taught me years ago,
I practiced and practiced
and it took quite some time until
it magically worked!
Now he is teaching his daughters
and they were practicing at my house...
they are right on the verge
of getting the knack of juggling!

Now it looks as if Brody has the 3 mice
lined up for his juggling lesson!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A New Home

The baby Mourning Doves left the safety of their nest
in the arbor on Wednesday...
I saw them on the brick pathway to the the studio
with their Mother and by the edge of the garden,
up in a tree... and by afternoon they were out of sight.

Some photos soon!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


For some time now,
every time I go down the path to my studio,
I've been peering up into our trellis attached to the house
for a glimpse of a mother Mourning Dove and her baby.
I have to find just the right angle in order to see them for they
are very well hidden.

At first I thought there was just one baby and then I saw

Yesterday one baby appeared on the ledge with mom
while the other remained in the nest.

Next time I looked

all three were together on the ledge!

Maybe they are getting ready to fly away...

They sure have touched my heart!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Polly is recovering and we are so relieved and happy
to have her back to her old self!
Thanks for the good wishes!

More soon!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Worries About Polly

This past week our cat Polly didn't seem quite like herself.
Her big appetite suddenly became smaller. At first it was subtle
but as the days went by it became very worrisome.
Didn't know what was wrong
or what to do til a friend stopped by
yesterday and gave us some helpful advice about what was
going on with Polly.
So today we took her to the Vet Clinic for she
had a fever and an abscess. Am so thankful we took her when
we did...she also has some other problems...
( We know the cause of her abscess was Brody!
We must always make sure they are kept apart for the safety
of Polly and our pocketbook)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Winged Ones

Enjoyed watching this bee and butterfly
sharing flowers on Sunday afternoon.

In the early evening we were at Pine Point and
watched the Bonaparte Gulls...this one was
negotiating a wave.

Cormorants were flying to their island for the night.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday's Discovery

While wandering around the
vegetable garden on Monday
I came upon

a fluffy baby Carolina Wren,

a chipmunk with the chubbiest of cheeks,

a Black Swallowtail caterpillar

and this beautiful dragonfly!