Thursday, October 23, 2008

Baby Red Squirrels

Lisa's holding one of the baby red squirrels who had climbed up onto
her shoulder. She raised them and they seem to think of her as mom.

Since it looks like a stretch of some sunny weather,
today was the day Lisa chose to release the
2 baby red squirrels that she had so kindly taken in
and nurtured when they were separated from their mom
when only several days old. Lisa is a guardian angel to
abandoned, lost or injured wildlife. It was amazing
to see them as they stepped out of their cage for the
first time.
We hope they will be safe and meet up with other
red squirrels to learn the ways of survival
and keep warm this fall and winter.

The baby red squirrel is about to climb on Lisa.... as they raced around the yard
they would suddenly leap onto us.

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