Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day and Night

As I try to get over this miserable cold, I find that
Brody seems to be staying close to me day and night!

Now, I'm concerned that when I'm better,
he may still want me to be around 24/7!


Judy Hartman said...

I think cats are the greatest companions to have when you're sick. Once you're up and around, Brody will probably feel reassured and go back to business as usual.
Hope you feel better soon, Nan.

quiltcat said...

I'm sure Brody will sense when you've got more energy and will let you resume your regular activities. In the meantime, enjoy his comforting snuggles! (My guys made me oversleep this a.m., and it's just as well...that helped me make the decision not to risk the icy roads and instead work from home today!)