Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What a Look!

I was rummaging through my closet and
found an old pocketbook, set it on
the couch, soon Brody was leaning beside it
looking so comfortable!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Computer Helper

I've been way behind in updating my journal
on my website so tonight I've been trying to catch up
but still have a ways to go...Ellie May had been
snuggled in her basket beside the computer
but decided to give me a helping paw!
She realized that she had 2 mice to
play with!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Snuggled In

When I climbed to the 2nd floor of the studio on this chilly
evening, Ellie May glanced at me from the comfort of her
wicker couch and then turned her head for a nap.

I don't know how long I can resist ... I feel a
nap is imminent!


Meet Danielle and Nicole from New Jersey...
they are on vacation in Maine with T & J
and stopped by for a visit.
I could have easily taken 100's of photos,
they are so expressive together!


special moments...

Brody on the Lookout

Brody looked so focused this morning
as he stared at Polly who was in his line of vision
from the table top.

Monday, October 26, 2009


While pausing as dinner was cooking,
Polly kept me company on the couch.
I just love her paws!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Tight Fit

The other night I decided to sort out the
many receipts filling up this old shoe box.
I had a helper digging through the receipts
to make room for himself... a very tight fit!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Rose in October and Commissions

D picked this delicate Heritage rose from our garden
today and brought it into the studio so
Ellie May and I could enjoy the lovely scent.
Such a treat to have roses blooming in October in Maine.

This time of year I'm happy to be working on
commissions of pets, children and
houses and other things or places that someone
may like to remember with art.
Some of these commissions are to be gifts so
I will have to keep those a secret!
Ellie May is supervising it all and
is very good at keeping a secret but she
thinks it will be fine to show a hint of
the very light rough sketches without giving anything

If you or anyone you know may be interested in
a special gift, I welcome commissions.
You can find more info by clicking here in my website.
Don't hesitate to be in touch with any questions
you may have.
Many thanks....

Thursday Morning with Polly and Brody

Polly loves her Dad and is happiest when she
is sitting beside him or on his lap...she has the
most adoring expressions when she gazes up at him.

Since Polly and Brody can't be trusted in the
same room alone, we have devised a system of
screen doors inside our house. It can become
confusing sometimes as to which cat is behind
which door!

Brody is anxious to enter the room where we
all happen to be this morning as he scratches
at the plastic grate to get our attention and that
is a sound we cannot ignore!

When Polly moves to the other room for
a nap, Brody can take over the couch!
He has a new favorite yellow mouse
which he carries and bats around like a
soccer ball!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Cardinal

A flicker and rustling sound in the berry bush
beside the driveway stopped me in mid-step.
I paused and stood very still until
this lovely young cardinal came into view.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Afternoon Sunlight

Polly enjoying the afternoon sunlight.

Happy Birthday to my sister, C!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Meditation

In the window of a beautiful old home on
Summer Street in Kennebunk, Maine
I happened to notice this beautiful little cat.
She looked like a little princess.

While I was taking photos of this kitty through
our car window, I felt something on the top of my
head. It was so subtle, I thought perhaps I imagined
it. Decided to ask my husband who was in the
driver's seat if there was something on my head.
When he checked he was stunned to see that
a bumble bee had landed on my head!
How did it get there? Was such a cold day...

Meanwhile, at home, our cat Brody was in
deep meditation, happy to be inside a warm home
on this chilly day.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday Afternoon

Last night Polly looked as though she
could use a little fun so I went upstairs and
I found a little red mouse
for Polly to play with.

This afternoon, Brody discovered the red mouse
and he has had a grand time with it!

It's a very cold damp day, but Ellie May
is nice and warm snuggled on her couch.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mystery Bird

Felt cold enough for a winter coat as we walked
on the beach in the late afternoon.
When we reached the end of the beach, I spotted
this solitary bird busily pecking in the sand.
We have no idea what bird this is...
can anyone help identify this beautiful little
bird that wasn't phased by the presence of people
or dogs that were romping along the shore.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sorting Out the Bookcase

It's a dark rainy day and it seemed like
a good idea to tackle the bookcase, that
hasn't been sorted out in quite a long time!
I find it amazing how much I have managed
to jam into the long process of
sorting it out and perhaps discarding something,
so hard for me to do for I am a saver!
Brody has managed to find a good spot to sit on
as I sort. He's actually hoping to find some plastic
in this mess for he loves to eat plastic and we are
trying to be very diligent and hide all remnants of
any kind of plastic from him. He's a plastic sniffing cat
and sometimes manages to get by us!
I'm already tired just looking at all of this!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Carolina Wren and Brody

As the Carolina Wren sang today,
Brody listened!

...and the pumpkin laughed!

(to see more about who carved the pumpkin click here...)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chippy , A Surprise Meeting

I came upon chippy by surprise as she was
exiting her hole after bringing in a supply of
food for winter storage.

She froze for a moment, while contemplating
her next move....


to be continued soon!