D and I stopped by the Budget Box in Kennebunk this afternoon to
browse and bumped into someone we know who works there.
She wanted us to see something...so we peeked around the corner of
a clothing rack and there was a new addition to the shop,
a cage from the Safe Haven Humane Society.

That's how we met Jackson and Violet.
Jackson (above) is very friendly and was reaching
out to touch everyone who was within his reach!
Oh Nan!
Violets eyes! they are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, wow! It's heart-breaking to go to a cat shelter, isn't it? I always want to take every cat home - but we too can't have any more.
I bet two such lovely cats will soon find a safe, loving and happy home.
It's been 'dreek' here today (Scottish word for grey and dismal) but inside our little cottage, it's never dreek!
Best Wishes,
buskitten, thanks so much for writing!
We'll have to go back and see how those kitties are doing...maybe they already have found new homes and there will be others.
Your cottage sounds enchanting...hope you can post photos of where you live!
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