Thursday, March 12, 2009


As I was walking back to the house from the
studio this afternoon, I froze in my tracks
and gently turned the camera on and stood
in awe of this beautiful nuthatch on this
bitter cold windy day with the sun shining.


quiltcat said...

Great shot of the red-breasted nuthatch! we mostly have their close cousins, the white-breasted ones. I love hearing them "beep" as they scoot along upside down on a tree.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I almost never see the red breasted nuthatch here. They are smaller than our white breasted ones.

Anonymous said...

I love your photo. The Nuthatches are such pretty birds. I think the ones I see here in Tennessee are the white breasted ones. I see a lot of them and I wish I could get a good picture.

Judy Hartman said...

Beautiful photo!!