Saturday, March 21, 2009

Painting Birds and Update

My supervisor, Ellie May, and I started
early this morning to work on
the drawings/ paintings of one of our
favorite subjects!

Ellie May not only supervises, she also paints!


Anonymous said...

I think your supervisor is having trouble staying awake. :-)

quiltcat said...

Aw, just want to reach right through the screen and give Ellie May a kiss on the forward. She looks like a fairly relaxed snoopervisor *g*. The bird paintings are going to be great.

quiltcat said...

hmmm, uh, that's a kiss on the "forehead"...i think Google's spell check sneaked in there and changed the word!

Judy Hartman said...

These photos are classics!!!
How funny to see Ellie May (is she named after the 'Dallas' character?) so intent upon the bird drawings!
As always, love your humor and your beautiful work!

Nan and =^..^= said...

My supervisor does snooze alot on the job!

Ellie May is quite delicate now (she's about 16) and I do kiss her little head often!

We didn't name Ellie May, when she was a kitten she lived in an apartment above our gallery with the people that owned the building we were renting our shop space from and they named's probably for the Ellie May Clampett in the Beverly Hillbilles! It's so nice to be working with Ellie's full attention to my every detail!

Rose said...

I'm sure Ellie May can provide an expert's opinion on the finer details of your drawings:) The chickadee is beautiful!

Judy Hartman said...

Oh, that's right - the Dallas character was 'Miss Elly!"!
She is a beautiful cat.

Karen L R said...

I almost always appreciate some feline collaboration. Ellie May seems quite spry for her age, and very dedicated to her/your work.

Nan and =^..^= said...

Thanks for visiting...Ellie May is an expert on the details of birds! She's been studying them with great patience for many years!

Karen LR, It is so special for me to have Ellie May as an artist cat...we've spent so much time together...I knew her for about 4 or 5 years before she moved into our gallery in 1998 and then we always together. She had an important role in the shop and we could just look at each other the across the room and there was a definite communication. Oh, just thinking about those days is inspiring me to take out the stories I had written about Ellie May and Walter and try to finish up the illustrations I had begun.

Thanks so much for your comments everyone!