I paint someone's beloved pet.
I try to capture the unconditional feeling
of love that I see and feel in all animals.
Danielle and Peter will soon be going to
their homes.

Over the years, I've been so thankful to
have had the opportunity to meet through
my art so many loved pets
and am looking forward to more!
They are like dear friends and all have a
special place in my heart and a home in my website.
If you'd like to visit them, click here
or to be more specific click 'Cat Samples'
or 'Dog Samples' or 'Other Pet Portrait Samples'.
Thanks for visiting!
Your pictures are excellent. I've looked at them several times.
I know what you mean about getting to know an animal thru photos--or paintings in your case.
Hi Marnie,
Thanks so much for your comment!
When I'm working on a drawing/painting, I tend to focus on every tiny detail, the subtleties that make each subject unique ( be it a pet, animal, bird, house, flower, scene etc) and try to capture the essence, the heart and soul of what I'm painting at the same time. Sometimes people have commented that I saw things they never noticed.
The camera has the ability to enable one to see things very close up, too and I love to work from my photos or photos that people provide when they would like a custom painting.
thanks again,
You really have caught the essence of those sweet puppies! The kitties and i have given you an award that you can pick up on our blog.
hi quiltcat,
thanks so much for you comment and thanks for the award... will stop by to see what to do!
I'm sure that these portraits will be treasured by the families. You have such a gentle painting style.
Hi Judy,
Thanks so much for stopping by and the kind words!
best, Nan
Thanks for checking out my blog and leaving a comment. Nan, your work is just lovely and gentle. I have bookmarked your blog. And thanks to quiltcat for connecting us! -karen
Karen L R, thanks so much for visiting... I am adding you to my wonderful blogs list and look forward to following your blog!
Nan, These are beautiful! I think I may have seen some of your work some time ago on someone else's blog. I wish I had had a drawing done of our late dog Roco--I lost most of the photos I had of him when first my computer went down, and then my camera went kaput. It's like losing photos of your children when they were young.
Brody looks so much like our cat Tarzan! Thanks for visiting me--I didn't understand the symbols behind your name at first till I looked a little closer:)
Gosh, thank you so much! I've sent your blog along to my Mom, I know she'll love it too. KarenLR
Hi Rose,
Oh, that is so sad to loose photos of a pet. Over the years, I've met people in similar circumstances. One dog in particular comes to mind. I was asked to do a pet portrait and the only photo they had was of this special dog who was dark and in the shadows of a table. I wasn't sure I could do it but somehow I managed to see enough so that I was able to capture it with my ink and watercolors.
I just visited your blog again and saw your Tarzan who sure does resemble Brody! Also, I left a post on your Tasha Tudor post.
Thanks for visiting and stop by again!
Hi Karen L R,
Oh, thanks so much for sending my blog along to your Mom!
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